Tips to Winning in a Tax Deed Auction

Posted by | Tax Deeds | Thursday 14 October 2010 12:34 am

These days, winning a tax deed auction may not be as easy as before as more and more people attend this exciting event.

As more and more people realize the great opportunities that lie behind buying tax deeds, the competition proves to be fairly difficult.

Here are some tips to winning a tax deed auction:

1.) Attend live tax deed auctions instead of online tax deed auctions. Most people prefer to bid in online auctions as it is more convenient.

2.) Choose a county that has a worth-it property that is not in a metropolitan area. There are chances that institutional investors prefer populated areas than rural.

3.) Choose to sit in front and in the center or near the isle so auctioneers can see you quickly.

4.) Attend live tax deed auctions even if the weather is bad. A lot of people are not really that serious that when the auction day turns out to be a bad-weather day, they prefer to not go and just stay home instead. This heightens the chances of you getting good deals.

Any more tips you might want to add?

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